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Ten Hot New Fitness Classes You Need to Try

March 29, 2019 5 min read

Exercise Class with Girls Working Out
A Group of People Performing Parkour

No pain no gain? Contrary to popular belief getting into shape (and staying that way) needn’t be a dreaded chore that you struggle to stick to three times a week. A growing army of inspired fitness fans are exploring the exploding industry of classes that offer a fresh twist.

There are disco lights, hula hoops and hammocks; full of fun, these classes challenge and entertain - tone while you trampoline, build muscle while you bungee.

From the slightly bizarre to the completely outlandish; this top ten countdown of the UK’s hottest, and often weirdest, fitness classes is certain to include at least one to shake up your fitness regime (or help you start one!).

So slip into your athleisure, grab a bottle of water and get set for a workout that’s off the wall (in one case, quite literally).

1. Bungee Fit - Adulting the baby bouncer

In a nutshell…

Aerobics just got a whole lot airier. Step into a bungee fit class and strap yourself into a waist belt that’s attached to a bungee, which hangs from the ceiling. You’ll stretch, run and bounce into a new level of resistance training.

Perfect for…

In a word, everyone - just make sure that your local bungee fit class doesn’t split its sessions into differing levels of ability.

2. Wall Running - The final Ninja UK obstacle, with the help of a trampoline bounce

In a nutshell…

Urban trampolining has really taken off in recent years, and growing numbers of centres are now opening their doors to keep-fitters.

‘The Wall’ is a unique workout that takes place at some centres. Usually scheduled as weekly sessions, these workshops are open to complete beginners, who bounce backwards onto a trampoline and throw themselves forward to run up a wall.

Perfect for…

Everyone from total amateurs to trampolining and free runner pros. There will usually be a height restriction however. For Super Tramp Plymouth for example, the minimum height is 1.25 metres.

The Wall - Super Tramp - Plymouth

Bounce Aerobics - iBounce - Devon, Cornwall, Exeter

Girl Exercising with a Hula Hoop

3. Hula fit - High-energy hula-ing to beats and bass

In a nutshell…

Created five years ago by London-based Anna and Rown Byrne, Hula Fit is every bit as fun as it sounds.

Crunch that core, burn through your calorie count and (most importantly of all) smile! And you thought that hula-ing was only for kids in the playground.

Perfect for…

Hula Fit is made for all ages, all skillsets, and all attitudes to fitness. Their motto is “even if you hate everything, no-one can hate hula hooping!”.

Check out the HulaFit website for more details about where to find classes.

4. Clubbercise - Saturday night raving blended with hard-hitting aerobics

In a nutshell…

Things sure have changed since Jane Fonda was the only go-to girl for cardio fans. Clubbercise ramps it up ten gears by pumping up the music, turning down the lights and adding some glow sticks.

It’s fun, but it’s also seriously effective, with one class burning as many as 600 calories!

Our top tip? Invest in some dayglow Lycra.

Perfect for…

Gym-haters, those with a fitness phobia or people who want maximum fun with a side serving of impressive fat burning.

Find your closest class on the Clubbercise website

5. Piloxing - A boxing, Pilates, dance hybrid

In a nutshell…

The concept’s pretty simple - piloxing is a unique mix of boxing, Pilates and dance wrapped up into a cardio workout.

There are numerous programmes, but all are designed to be “accessible, affordable, convenient, fun, and free of pressure to perform” (in their own words).

Perfect for…

Everyone - including those who want to work out at home, as Piloxing HQ offer classes that are delivered digitally. Head over to YouTube for some taster sessions.

In-person providers of Piloxing are growing in number. Visit the Piloxing website to check out current UK locations here.

6. Parkour - Previously known as urban running

In a nutshell…

Parkour can be thought of as a non-competitive workout that involves flexible, efficient movement around obstacles and over any terrain.

While most people know it as freerunning, ‘parkour’ is the original term for the practice (which is the French word for freerunning).

This sport pushes for improvement on both a physical and mental level - training both body and mind.

Perfect for…

Those looking for something completely different or a sport that takes place out in the open air. Parkour is also suitable for those who want to improve their confidence and determination.

Search for your nearest Parkour organisation here on the official Parkour website.

Girls Exercising with Resistance Bands

7. F45 - One of the fastest growing fitness classes in the world

In a nutshell…

It’s fair to say that F45 is being hyped up the length and breadth of the UK, and with good reason too.

What began in Australia is now firmly on home soil, with 1,500 studios and 6 million members around the globe.

There’s no bells and whistles with F45. This is high-intensity circuit training which is designed so that each workout is unique. Each F45 studio is equipped with battle ropes, weighted burpees, rowers and TRX one legged pistol squats.

Perfect for…

Burning an insane amount of calories (up to 1000 per session!).

8. Anti-gravity/floating yoga - Yoga, only a little more uplifting

In a nutshell…

Anti-gravity yoga follows a lot of the same principles as normal yoga, but involves a ‘hammock’ which is suspended from the ceiling. Each member of the fitness class has one, with the workout involving a series of poses that stretch, swing and challenge your body.

Perfect for…

Yoga fans and newbies alike will love this activity for its ability to improve flexibility, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and even lose weight (just as with normal yoga).

9. Boogie Bounce - A fat-blasting, full-of-fun trampolining session

In a nutshell…

Trampolining is a fabulous, fast-track route to burning fat and toning muscles throughout the body. Led by a dynamic instructor to a fast-paced soundtrack of music, this class is nothing if not high energy.

Perfect for…

Anyone who thinks that they hate all forms of exercise. Many participants say that it feels nothing at all like working out.

Girl Pole Dancing

10. Aerial classes - A.K.A Pole dancing (of the sporting kind)

In a nutshell…

Aerial classes (or pole dancing) is among the most popular of all quirky fitness classes, with advocates even arguing for its inclusion in the Olympics. While we’re some way away from seeing anyone awarded with gold for their pole skills, this sport, which combines acrobatics with gymnastics, is probably being taught not far from where you live.

From upper body strength, to muscle toning and improving flexibility, there are few body-benefits that this fitness class can’t provide.

Perfect for…

Aerial classes are for men and women alike. It can be as demanding or as easy as you like, and you can even make leaps and bounds between classes by getting your own pole to practice at home.

There’s no central directory for studios that provide aerial fitness classes, just Google “aerial classes” + your local area.

And with that, our ten hottest fitness experiences come to a close. Do you have any recommendations? Any ones to absolutely avoid?

Tell us about your latest fitness adventures on Instagram, facebook or twitter; just post with the hashtag #ProworksFitness and let us know- the good, the bad, the bizarre and the out and out painful.